It is important for all students to attend school regularly and arrive on time. When your student is absent for any reason please remember to call the attendance clerk within 2 days, Mrs. Laura Serdas at 951-736-3339, you can also email your students absence to [email protected]. It is critical that student absences are cleared by a parent or guardian as soon possible. Unresolved absences may result negative attendance and possible attendance contract.
In addition, it is important for parents and students to keep in mind that attendance records follow you from school to school, just like your discipline does. Therefore, those who were on attendance contracts prior to arriving to Orange Grove will remain on those contracts. SART contracts are reviewed every 30 days for progress and/or modifications as seen necessary. Furthermore, students with excessive absences and/or tardies may result in other disciplinary action.
Although our message system will notify parents of absences, both partial and whole, it is recommended that parents/caregivers check Parent Connect once a week to monitor their students attendance patterns as a proactive measure. Finally, it is imperative that we have current contact numbers on file for all students.